Yesterday, I bought a house. Today, I am in Rhode Island and the Provodence Plantations on a business trip. Kinda makes it sound like buying a house is a trivial thing for me, doesn’t it? I made the offer back in February! The new place is a raised ranch with an english basement in Carpentersville …
Tag Archives: car
Electric car idea
I think I want to convert one of these into an electric car. I will have a 7 mile drive one way, so an electric car with a 30 mile range will give me 100% extra range in case I need to drive something other than my usual route. If I get one, I will …
Say Goodbye to Gecko!!
Gecko (my old 97 Ford Escort) finally left. When I bought my 2007 Ford Escape, I had given it to Katie. She needed a car, as her last one died a horrible death – I can’t imagine hemorrhageing fluids out of every orfice, but that is what it suffered. Her prior car had been total …
Well, I am going to be moving soon. I need an apartment, furniture, all that stuff. I may have found some furniture from a friend’s mother who is moving out of her house, It is currently up by Orlando, but my find it’s way to Lakeland for me. This weekend I may have found a …
You know you live in South Florida when EVERYTHING is a potential Hurricane Supply
I wanted to get a 12v air compressor for the trunk of my car. The front tires on the car are low, and I NEVER think to air them up when I am at the service station. Anyway, I stopped over at walmart today to pick one up. I must say, I think I found …