Plastic for my 3d printer, and how long it lasts.

The 3d printer kit I ordered can print several types of plastic. The 2 that are currently frequently used are ABS and PLA. PLA is a biodegradable plastic made from corn starch ( ABS is a plastic that is food safe and ok to use in aquariums and such. PLA is also food safe but …

3d printer ideas for custom aquaponics fittings

I am seriously excited about getting my 3d printer. It’s been a week since I ordered it, so 1-2 more weeks according to the confirmation email I got. The printer can print in ABS. This can be a stinky plastic to print, but I’ve plans for making a fume hood for the printer that vents …

I ordered my 3d printer last weekend.

I’ve been following the RepRap movement (DIY Rapid Prototyping machines also known as 3d printers) for at least 3 years now. MSOE had several of the commercial units that I drooled over frequently, but never got a chance to dig deeper into. Thus, I’ve been aware of the technology for nearly 15 years now. But it’s …

Sub Irrigated Planter (SIP)

Tonight I made a sub irrigated planter. These are pots that hold water under the dirt and let the pot get watered from the bottom up. Supposedly this gives you better roots as they grow deep, towards the water as opposed to staying near the top. I built mine using recycled ‘stuff’. The pot is …

Sliding Glass Door Insulation

I have a leaky sliding glass door. No, water doesn’t poor in every time it rains, cold air comes in. I don’t know why, by my apartment sucks – it pulls air in from the outside. So, I decided to insulate my sliding glass door. I looked at the sliding glass door insulation kits for …

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