Stolen GPS

Last night my GPS was stolen out of my trucklet. Entirely my fault to! I had picked up a few essentials at WalMart, unlocked all the doors and put them in the back seat. I was waiting on a guy to get home so I could pick up an Oscar fish from FreeCycle. I called …

DIY Homemade Hydroponics Basket Pot

I decided to try setting up a bit of hydroponics tonight. Actually, it’s aquaponics, because it’s based off of my fish tank. I am having a bit of algae problems on the 75 gallon tank. I am hoping that growing some basil out of the tank will help soak up some of the nutrients and …

Pump setup for my automtic container Irrigation system

This last week, I was tasked with cleaning the spare bedroom. I kinda got distracted a bit by the fish tank and planter stand in it. I worked on my planter stand a bit more while cleaning the room some too. I had gathered all the parts I had into one stack. I have a …

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