I am famous

So, it looks like 3 weeks ago I had my one day of fame.

And I missed it.

I am SO behind on my reading. I am just getting caught up on my news reader, and I see one of my photos. Strange, why did that republish…

Wait, this is a MAKE article. WHAT????

That’s right, I got one of my blog threads picked up by MAKE Magizine. You know, a real magazine that you can go to the store and buy, only it’s for geeks that like to make things. Sweet, eh?


My normal 50 people to my blog a day spiked to over 1 thousand for that day.

The one disappointing aspect is that I missed it. Not a single comment to alert me that people where on my blog.

Oh well…
Maybe next time.

I wonder what the next post that gets picked up by MAKE will be?

What do you think?

Aquaponics at the WI State Fair

When I went to the state fair last weekend, we walked in and almost immediately there was this booth on Aquaponics. How cool is that? I have been talking and reading about it for over a year now.

Aquaponics Growbed and Tank setup at 2008 Wisconsin State Fair
Aquaponics Growbed and Tank setup at 2008 Wisconsin State Fair

This group wants to build a Aquaponics facility in the Milwaukee Area. A noble goal, fresh food that is locally grown in a major metropolitan area.

Kitten Update

Well, I think I shall start off with a video of the cuteness.

I am not sure why, but the audio is poor on these videos.

Anyway. The kittens are now eating solid food. I started mixing in kitten food with the regular food so Brother doesn’t get all fat eating it. Solid food means solid waste. Little poops scattered throughout my apartment. They also found the water dish to go with the dry food. They LOVE that water fountain! Lots of water late at night means that they wet the bed. The upside to this is that I am now sleeping with fresh sheets every night… They seem to be getting better about using the litter box. I now have 2 little poops and lots of peepees in the little kitten litter box.

Progress is Progress.

Brother went to the vet today. Yep brother is now Unique… er… Eunuch. He can’t say I didn’t warn him… Not that he understands much more English then his name. Poor dude. I feel bad for him, but it is funny at the same time. I guess it can be argued (I got on argument sitting in my lap mewling at me) that he got to sew his wild oats. There are 2 little kittens that are just as much sweathearts as he is – even with his trying to rip my hand off and everything.

Speaking of my hand. It is getting much better. It is about all healed up, just a nasty looking set of marks that likes to change funny colors at times.

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